AWStats official web site
Free real-time logfile analyzer (Perl CGI) to get advanced web statistics (GNU GPL).


AWStats supporters

This is a list of all AWStats supporters that made a donation (sorted by decreased amount) to help me to maintain and enhance AWStats.
This is link to use for Paypal donation:

Other bought me gifts on: My Wish List at

This page is here to thanks all of them and provide a link to their site.
Note that every supporter is not reported here, because, only thoose who ask it are visible, also old links may have been removed (links remain at least one year).
If you are an AWStats supporter (for a recent or old donation) and if you want to appear here, just send me a mail at [email protected] to provide me following informations:
- An url
- A text for link.
- The project you support by this donation (AWStats, AWBot, CVSChangelogBuilder)
The only requirement is that you have made a donation via Paypal/BitCoin/Ethereum (at least 300 euros, button at the top of this page) or via my Amazon Wishlist, and link is not a link for adult web site nor an illegal activity. Links are kept 1 year.
Then go on this "supporter page" of project, 10 days later to see if your link has been added. If not send me another mail (I may be on holidays or simply busy so please be patient until I process my AWStats email box...)
So thanks again to all of you... (after several years working on Open Source software, your support is my main booster)...
The list of donators can be found on the Awstats Home page